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my Samsung Galaxy S vs LG Optimus x2

recently, LG Optimus x2 has a new TV ad showing the phone takes only 4.6 seconds to load Yahoo HK main page. I surfed their website and found they have another claiming that it takes 7.6 seconds (average result via wifi) to load aastock.com (Traditional Chinese version) and ready for challenge. so i did some tests on my Galaxy S ...

- the data/results stated below are for reference only, and it is NOT supposed/assumed to be used for any other comparisons by any means, and does NOT represent any standard
- the data/results obtained may varies depending on a lot of uncontrollable factors
- the results were obtained with a non-stock and modified Galaxy S ROM I9000XWJS8, without overclocking
- the wifi link speed used for the test was 65Mbps, via a 100M broadband
- all caching, including proxy server cache were disabled (not including ISP's cache server, if any)
- the tests were taken on 03 April 2011 2045-2200 HKT

according to Optimus x2's website, i cleared all browser cache, and i even killed the browser process (not by closing it, but killed the application actually)

test 1: browser process retained, cache cleared, flash enabled, tested for 5 times as LG's
a/. loading www.aastocks.com/tc/default.aspx
Optimus x2: 7.6 seconds (quoted from their website)
my Galaxy S: max ~6.x seconds, min ~5 seconds, average ~5.x seconds

b/. loading hk.yahoo.com/?m=1
Optimus x2: 4.6 seconds (quoted from their tv ad)
my Galaxy S: max ~4 seconds, min ~3 seconds, average ~3.x seconds

test 2: started a new browser process (old process killed), cache cleared, flash enabled, tested for 5 times as LG's
a/. loading www.aastocks.com/tc/default.aspx
Optimus x2: 7.6 seconds (quoted from their website)
my Galaxy S: max ~7 seconds, min ~5.x seconds, average ~6.x seconds

b/. loading hk.yahoo.com?m=1
Optimus x2: 4.6 seconds (quoted from their tv ad)
my Galaxy S: max ~5 seconds, min ~4 seconds, average ~4.x seconds

test 3: browser process retained, cache cleared, flash enabled, computed with stop watch by lifehacker.com
a/. loading http://cache.lifehacker.com/assets/resources/stopwatch.php?u=http://www.aastocks.com/tc/default.aspx
my Galaxy S: 4.773 seconds

b/. loading http://cache.lifehacker.com/assets/resources/stopwatch.php?u=http://hk.yahoo.com/?m=1
my Galaxy S: 2.555 seconds

test 4: browser process retained, cache cleared, flash enabled, computed with stop watch by numion.com
a/. loading http://numion.com/stopwatch/Start.html?Url=http://www.aastocks.com/tc/default.aspx
my Galaxy S: 6.265 seconds

b/. loading http://numion.com/stopwatch/Start.html?Url=http://hk.yahoo.com?m=1
my Galaxy S: 3.11 seconds

conclusion? no need to conclude ...
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